The WOO Token Has Arrived on Crypto Voucher!

Crypto under the Christmas tree
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Crypto under the Christmas tree


Christmas is just around the corner, which means, that the last gift hunt for your coworkers, friends, and family has already begun. It’s no secret that people struggle to choose gifts to meet the expectations of their loved ones. But usually, we are waiting in long lines just to buy typical Christmas gifts like stuffed toys, a generic candle or another pair of colourful socks.

This Christmas we want it to be different, that's why we prepared a gift proposal for you.

Christmas gift idea

Simplicity doesn’t have to mean boring. Prepaid gift cards are something that you can always rely on, no matter what is the occasion. After all, no one’s going to say “NO” to money. How about going the extra mile and giving them a prepaid crypto gift card?

It’s something new, interesting and they wouldn’t buy it on their own. The thought of giving or receiving crypto as a gift would’ve been unheard of two years ago. Now, it’s completely normal as one in 10 people gave crypto as a gift this past holiday season. These digital assets are now fairly easy to buy and gift. Crypto Voucher’s prepaid card, can be your perfect gift card as it comes in fiat value and is redeemable later on to different crypto assets instantly.

Budget great gifts

Let's be real: holiday shopping can get EXPENSIVE. Before even adding in presents for friends, coworkers, your local postman and the list goes on and on. But we tend to forget about the most important thing. It’s not about how much you paid for something it’s about showing a part of yourself and sharing it with your close ones. Therefore, show them your passion or things that you are interested in, like crypto.

When it comes to crypto you don’t have to spend a huge amount of money. Crypto Voucher offers a wide range of crypto gift cards, so you don’t have to spend 200 euros for one gift. You can choose between € 10, € 25, € 50, € 100 and € 200 gift cards. Additionally, there are many payment methods so you can choose one that suits you the most. And the giving part is fairly easy, as you can give them a printed card that we presented last season. This way you can even place your Crypto Voucher gift card under your Christmas tree.

Crypto by the Christmas table

Giving a crypto present to someone, that does not know anything about blockchain, is extra stressful as you have to answer many questions. That's why we prepared a quick round-up that might help you with your first-time crypto explanations.

Remember the key is to leave the hard and complicated stuff for later. Start with the basics and comparisons as we don’t recommend pouring all your knowledge in one go. The first step is to build interest and maybe with time, you will be able to explain the hard stuff.

Here are 3 examples you can use in your first crypto talk:

1. You don’t have to be an expert or have any technical knowledge to start in the Crypto world. Crypto Voucher gift cards work like usual prepaid cards that you can exchange anytime for crypto of your choice like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum etc.

2. Crypto is just like money, the value is governed by the demand and supply except that there is no central body governing it.

3. Blockchain is a database that stores information electronically in digital format to maintain a secure and decentralized record of transactions. Blocks have certain storage capacities and, when filled, are closed and linked to the previously filled block, forming a chain of data.

4. If you want to withdraw your funds you can do so with a standard transfer, similar to your banking transfers.

The Crypto Voucher Team wishes you Merry Christmas!

May the holiday season fill your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with laughter.