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Cryptocurrency for a good cause
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Cryptocurrency for a good cause


Crypto is great for investing, trading and payments, but did you know that you can donate crypto to charity and support a good cause? In this fast-paced digital world we tend to separate ourselves from the outer world and forget that we can impact the world around us. Making a change starts within ourselves and every one of us has the power to change their life, but also to leave a positive mark on their environment along the way. Today we will discuss how you can help the world with crypto.

Everyone has an impact on the environment and society, both positive and negative. While focusing on our own future and on our own journeys to success is important, there are issues that matter for the future of our planet and our society as a whole. So how about increasing that positive impact? Think about what matters to you or your community and research your options. There are many things that you can do locally, such as buying dog food for a shelter, donating clothes to an orphanage, cleaning up in your local park… But if your time is limited or you are not able to do such activities for any reasons, or if you would like to contribute to a more global issue, donating is always a great option. Many organizations already accept donations in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.

Where can you donate Bitcoin?

It might take a bit of searching to find the right organization for you, but many organizations accept crypto for donations. First, think about the concern that you would like to address. There are non-profit organizations dedicated to wildlife protection, which are mostly focused on protecting ecosystems and animal species in them (for example Wildlife Conservation Society). Others are focused on addressing social issues, such as supporting children rights, health and education (Save the Children), or fighting hunger and poverty (The Life You Can Save). If you are interested in helping environmental organizations fight climate change and research solutions for a greener future and plant trees with your crypto!

Why donate crypto?

It may seem illogical to donate in crypto at first, but it has some advantages over donating in cash:

  • Crypto transactions are non-taxable - so you can make sure that your donation is utilized to the maximum extent possible and that all your funds will be used to support a good cause
  • Income tax deduction
  • Options to be anonymous to a large extent
  • Speed and convenience of transactions - donating Bitcoin or any other crypto is easy, safe and time-efficient

How to donate crypto?

Once you find the organization that you would like to donate to, donating is usually pretty self-explanatory. It can differ slightly depending on the website, but the main point is similar to any crypto payments - you have to acquire the recipient’s wallet address and decide how much of which crypto you would like to donate. Some organizations have their wallet address on their website and some require you to enter some basic personal information before generating a dynamic wallet address linked to the organization’s crypto wallet. This makes the transaction super safe for both you and the organization.

At Crypto Voucher we believe in mutual support and a brighter future for all of us. Our mission is to make crypto convenient, accessible and easy to use, so when you purchase crypto from us and decide to use it to help those in need, it is easy to do so directly from your wallet in your Crypto Voucher account. Use your crypto however you like, it’s your choice!

There are many ways you can contribute to social or environmental matters, donating is just one of them. Every human has responsibilities, but you can choose to be responsible towards the world by using your crypto wisely. This is just one option of how you can do good, but remember that helping someone doesn’t have to cost you anything and it can be as simple as adding walking shelter dogs to your weekly routine. Such activities are very rewarding - you get to be active outside while helping others, plus it can make for an interesting date or family activity!