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How to buy Bitcoin with cash on Crypto Voucher?
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How to buy Bitcoin with cash on Crypto Voucher?


Finding different ways to buy bitcoin with cash was the focus of Crypto Voucher last months. Our goal was to make it very easy and simple for anyone to buy bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, whilst providing the lowest possible transaction fees.

Buy Bitcoin with a prepaid card

It is possible to buy Crypto Voucher prepaid cards with cash on physical stores near you. All that you have to do is to check our map of distributors and find a nearby shop who sells our vouchers.

Once you have the voucher you can redeem it here on our platform and get your bitcoin instantly.

Our prepaid vouchers can be also bought from our online distributors here.

Buy Bitcoin with a gift card

Exchanging Itunes gift card to bitcoin or Walmart gift card to Bitcoin is now possible on Crypto Voucher.

Thanks to our partnership with CardCash we made it possible for customers to exchange hundreds of gift cards into cryptocurrencies at the lowest fee.

You can buy a gift card in any physical store next to you here. Once you have the gift card you can redeem it here on our platform and get your bitcoin instantly.

Buy Bitcoin with Flexepin

Our partnership with Felexepin made it possible for our customers to exchange their Felexepin prepaid voucher to different cryptocurrencies.

You can buy Felexepin voucher with cash from one of the point of sales here. Once you have the voucher you can redeem it on Crypto Voucher here for different cryptocurrencies.

You can also buy Felexepin prepaid voucher online here.

What makes buying crypto with cash unique?

We, At Crypto Voucher, believe that allowing our customers to buy cryptocurrencies with cash is a very important step forward for driving bitcoin adoption.

By introducing an easy, simple and privacy-oriented solution we will allow more people to get their first crypto assets.

We really appreciate feedback, questions and comments or if you’d like to just get in touch, it’s best to do so via our support form.